Strategy & Operations Consultancy

‘My business is going well but I still feel like I’m working the most!’

‘I have so many team members but I’m not even sure what half of them are really doing and I kind of feel like I’m failing as leader’

‘From the outside, things are going well. On the inside, I feel like I’m chasing my tail and heading for burnout’

‘I am a visionary. I have huge dreams and I just want them to happen, not get stuck in the details’

Sound like you?

This is where I come in!

Me and you, 8 weeks - I’ll dive into your business, review where things are currently at around team, program delivery and back end systems and make suggestions around how you can optimize everything so that you are making more income and impact. 

This is a bespoke package where I focus on exactly what YOUR needs are.

Here's what a strategy and operations consultancy package looks like:

* A 90 minute business call with you to go through all aspects of your business so I can get a feel for exactly what is going on, where things are not working and what your truest desires are for change in the business. This will be in-depth and thorough and will give us a great starting point

* Time with your team (or key players) individually to better understand their roles and what they need further support, clarity etc on and where they see opportunities for growth (top secret tip: your team are GOLD)

* A deep dive into the ops and structures behind your offerings - going through all your programs, pricing models, and retention - focussing on where time, money and energy may be being leaked due to containers that need strengthening. 

* A review of back end systems of the business - SOPs, project management software, modes of communication, metrics, statistics 

* Voxer support to you as an when you need it

* A full report on the current state of your business, where it could go with proposed changes including ways to save money and make money - I will focus on your team, program offerings, back-end systems and general operations within the business. 

* A 60-minute meeting with you to talk through the report and possible changes

Investment starts at $2,497 (payment plans available)

Our work together takes 8 weeks.

To sign up for my strategy and operations consultancy, please fill in the form below and I’ll be in touch. I have limited availability for consultancy.

If you are looking for something more bespoke or ongoing, please contact me at and we can set up a call to chat more.